Saturday, March 30, 2013

Back from Florida, Back to Bloggin'

Back from Florida everybody!
Taken by: Yours Truly
Oh my God, I really should have done this blog post before I left for my relaxation marathon. Now I have two to do before Tuesday... hooray... (Max slowly cocks the gun back).
Anyway, as much as I would like to regale you all with tales of Florida and the astounding amount of sitting around I did, this blog is about my quest to make an album right? Well, there is a lot on that end too, so, here goes.

So, the week before this, I had a week long recording session with Owen. Literally every day for 4-8 hours recording using several instruments. The lineup is: Owen on drums, keys, some guitar, some bass, and maybe vocals (More recording tomorrow, haven't planned that far). I am on guitar, horns, some bass, vocals, and being the sex symbol for the band (not shown on the album but I assure you, it is a major part of the music). So, recording has been really rough.                                            
Somewhere between Ringo and Peart
The first day we recorded (being Tuesday before this week) was really rough. Reading about Reaper and monkeying around with it on my computer was one thing; actually recording with it was another. It literally took us 2 hours just to learn how to work Reaper with Owen's audio-recorder to get clear recording quality. Thanks a lot hours of reading the Reaper user guide and other random Reaper learning devices! You have taught me nothing! Anyway, after we got through the incredibly depressing first two hours, we were just about ready to shoot ourselves before we got a clear nice sounding rhythm guitar track down. Although not much, it was nice to actually have a real track done and recorded. From there, we recorded lead guitar, bass, drums, and keys. I also recorded the most godawful vocal track in the history of man that night, luckily, on day two, that was obliterated from the face of this planet.
Meet Max Franklin, the one who sang at the after-inauguration.
On the start of the second day, we already kind of had our things worked out and we were ready to go. That day, I had read a bit on on how to sing better. My main problem was how to blend your "Chest voice" (Or your lower voice that I basically only use) and your "Head voice" (Or your higher, more Aretha Franklin- Esq voice). The site was pretty helpful for learning how to do this, or as helpful as a little internet lesson can be. In the end, when it came time to start singin', I think I was semi-prepared to try it out! So, we re-recorded the vocal track for our first song and then the drum track. Owen recorded a very simple drum track for us to record over the first time and wanted a more complex one to be on the real album. With that, our first song was BAM! DONE! If I could, I would definitely post the song for your listening pleasure. Unfortunately  I have no clue how and seeing as how it is 12:58 AM at the moment, I'm not going to figure it out right now. Day two was spent mixing the first song for the most part (getting things aligned and at the correct volume). We did start on song two though. We got down bass (recorded by that man/woman thing in the photo above) and drums down that night and then proceeded to do a bit of procrastination between going home.
DAY THREE: (Jeez, I should have just split this post into two and knocked em both out)
You can tell who the looks of the family is (Humor me please)
So, Thursday ended up being cut way short. For about four hours, I worked on the Social Studies project in which we made a board game! That is a blog and story for another day though. Anyway, when we finally got back to the ol' studio (AKA Owen's basement) we quickly recorded some lead and rhythm guitar for song two. We planned to finish everything on that song that day but unfortunately, we forgot to write lyrics for it. We decided a good way to save time would be to just get rhythm tracks down for song three instead and finish them when I got back. Again, we were cut short by my sister coming home from college, I had to rush off at around 5 to go and become a Family Guy (The question: do I paste my face on to Peter Griffin's also?). On the bright side, seeing my sister was great (Shout-out to you Summer!).

So, in the end Friday ended up being Owen and my Jazz Competition and then I took off for Florida that night (let me relive it all again!). Recording will commence once again tomorrow along with the preparation for our TED talk. You will be seeing another blog post on that tomorrow as well.
Thanks for reading this excessively long post.



  1. Sounds like things are going pretty well. How many songs do you guys want to finish by Tuesday? I am not very savvy with technology, so power to you guys for figuring out the software. How much do you think the vocal lesson helped? I've tried reading things online for my voice before, but I think it is always much easier to improve with an actual teacher explaining and motioning how you should sing something. I look forward to seeing the TED Talk and hearing you sing Max, if you're anything like Summer it should be pretty awesome.

  2. Max, it looks like things are coming together. It's good that you were able to perservere through your troubles with the recording software, as well as recording your vocal track. It seems like you guys have been putting in a lot of time practicing and hopefully it will all pay off. Good luck recording the rest of your songs.

  3. Max, it seems you and Owen are getting sufficient recording done for this project. I heard your original plan to create a few songs on an album (from Owen) in the beginning of the project and I wasn't sure whether or not your sticking with that. It seems like a pretty time consuming process. This seems like a longer project, like mine, and it is nice to see you knocking out your final product day-by-day. It is nice to see you figured out Reaper practically on your own, and I hope you have success recording in your next session. Good luck!

  4. Whoa Max, I felt like I just had a full conversation with you. Your voice was so well represented in this blog and it was super enjoyable to read. It is really cool that you were able to get a voice lesson. I know any lesson can really help the quality of your sound, especially with voice. I also know that those long recording sessions can be brutal (been there, done that) but the result of them is usually some fantastic (or not so fantastic) music that hopefully you will be proud of. I look forward to hearing your hopefully fantastic music and your TED Talk!
