Monday, March 18, 2013

Recording Begins. If we kill ourselves you'll know why.

So... we are now at the recording stage of this project. Although it has been fun thus far, that is ending now. We have this terrible recording device bought by Owen that can half-assedly record one track at a time which means we will be recording guitar separate from lead guitar separate from drums separate from every other goddamn thing we need to throw into these songs. So, the main problem we run into here is that I will be relaxing in sweet sweet Florida over Spring break so essentially I will live at Owen's house this week and record. But, that's not it, as more complications come into play when I will have to have a Jazz competition on Friday night. This all on top of Owen's stupid drum lesson on Monday and my stupid guitar lesson on Monday. So that gives us roughly 3 days to do every song on the album.
We basically have 6 songs on our album that are original and maybe 2 covers. Most likely the covers will have to be cut from the album sine (as previously mentioned) we have 3 days to do EVERYTHING. Though, if we do covers, it will be Lost Cause by Beck and Layla by Clapton. Although I would love to cover Soul Man, we just do not have the bass player for it.
Thanks Jerome, couldn't have done it without you bud. 
Anyway, essentially the lineup will be: I will record most lead and rhythm guitar tracks, Owen will record drums and keyboards, and I will cover horn sections. Also, we will have vocals and bass split between the two of us. Trombone is finally coming easier to me so for the two or three times when it is needed in the album, the horn section should be strong. Also, I got a new trumpet Jerome Callet mouthpiece that should help cover the higher parts of the songs (as well as Jazz Band).
I need to play over the key changes
So, reading wise, I have continued to research how to write music and although most of our songs are already written, I still need to add in a lot of horn sections to make the album complete. This will require knowing how to transpose and know the keys. So, of course, I looked to my regular sources I have been using but found a couple more helpful resources. Firstly, I have been using as a regular resource (as I have mentioned in previous posts. This blog really taught me about the differences in clefs such as how everything in treble clef is two steps above bass clef (trumpet verses trombone). Also, I have been learning about how to play solos over key changes such as what is going on in my hilarious picture up above. Next, I have been using a website about theory. Thanks! This website has provided me with a lot of the same as the blog although a lot more in depth with guitar soloing. It taught me about how to move all over the fretboard to solo instead of staying in the same old pentatonic form.

So, lastly, I wanted to include a quick demo of what is to come on our album. Although we are not quite as far as I'd like into the process, I was able to throw this together as a little sign of what to expect. Next blog post I'll post a fully recorded song!
Note: Sorry if the video looks like crap, my computer's camera is less than bad.


  1. Sounds like your project is really coming along! I really like the original song that you're working on. It's going to be called "Jenny" right? Oh and if you really need that bass player for Soul Man you can always ask me, you know. I'm great at the E minor chord. Well actually I wouldn't necessarily say great. I know how to play, it that's about it. I wish I could give you some advice but as you've probably figured out I don't have too much musical talent. Surprising, I know. Well good luck with the rest of your project! Can't wait to see the finished producty on iTunes soon :)

  2. Max-
    I was watching your video, and it was very nice because I felt your passion while playing your guitar. I personally LOVE musicians when they're playing songs, because they transform into these beautiful creatures who are only thinking about the music. You seem like you're having a lot of fun with Owen on this project--when you guys grow up and become musicians, you could definitely think of the time when you lived in Owen's house for a project! I don't know a lot about guitar and drums; only that I want to learn them so badly. It is very brave of you to make 6 songs AND play several instruments for them! You go, Max! I hope your album turns out to be an excellent one!

  3. Interesting article, glad to hear that my site has been of use!

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