Friday, April 4, 2014

The DoneWith Horror

He looks like a Hippy in this picture

SO, at the end of the Dunwich Horror, we learned a lot. Things really picked up and shiites hit the fan. Not in a racist way. At the end of the story, our favorite giant (No offense Andre) Wilbur Whateley travels down to Rhode Island to Miskatonic University. Upon arrival, he breaks into the library and immediately starts to search for the Necronomicon. Unfortunately for Wilbur, a vicious attack dog sees him breaking in and promptly rips out his jugular vein. Damn. That was quick. So long Wilbur. So, although it was sad to see Wilbur go, it was actually A LOT worse for those back in Dunwich. Remember Wilbur's twin brother? The one that was four times his size? Yeah.... he wasn't so happy about "Feeling" his brother die. So... he decided to run down from his hilltop house to Dunwich and begin to terrorize.
Learn it Mr. Horror
For an entire week The Dunwich Horror terrorizes Dunwich, murdering families, eating cows, pigs,  and generally just being a dick. I mean seriously, what kind of guy just eats people AND cows AND pigs? That's not even kosher!
Well, anyway, back at the University, Dr. Armitage, a character from past Lovecraft stories hears about what's happening in Dunwich and realizes somehow that it is related to Yog-Sothoth. He heads down to Dunwich and the showdown begins. And... for once... he succeeds! This marks one of the first times that a protagonist has won out over an antagonist in a Lovecraft story. It's a landmark! Woohoo! Great for the residents of Dunwich (save for all the families and animals that got eaten).

Overall, this story was pretty good. Not Lovecraft's very best work, but it gave an insight into the mythos that a lot of his other stories didn't. It made the Necronomicon have a use and made Yog-Sothoth more formidable of an old god so that he is comparable to Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, and all the other Old God friends.

This marks the end my friends. That's it. We're done.

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