Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Dun Dun Dun Wich Horror

Dun Dun DUUUUUUUN. It's Wilbur Whateley! The main character and Antagonist of The Dunwich Horror!
The Necronomicon is actually just Scientologist Propaganda

Essentially, the plot of the story is that Lavinia Whateley, an old albino woman from the fictional town of Dunwich, Massachusetts is raped by an unseen force and gives birth to twins. One of them is Wilbur, a boy that grows to be five feet by the time he is five and fourteen feet by the time he is fifteen. What the Hell? I'm fifteen! Imagine if someone like me was fourteen feet tall! Imagine what that Jew Nose would look like on me! It would be like a foot long! Five dollar foot long (If I was going to continue making Jew Jokes I would have probably touched the fact that five dollars isn't that much money, but I'm not, because I'm a good Jew)! But I digress.
Anyway, Wilbur's grandfather soon disappears and his mother if found eaten in their barn soon after. It turns out that Wilbur's twin brother, whom they kept in the barn all of it's life because he was four times the size of Wilbur and had cloven hoofs had gotten out. Wilbur suddenly realizes what he must do as a vision of Yog-Sothoth appears before him. He must travel to the Miskatonic University in Rhode Island and retrieve the Necronomicon, an ancient book of incantations. From there, he must summon Yog-Sothoth, whom he realizes is the one that raped his mother so that she gave birth to such horrifying children.
But a Nose
That's where I am!

So far, this book is pretty classic Lovecraft. Old Gods, deformities, and lots of fear running rampant all over. It's basically what I've come to expect from him at this point. The best thing about reading more Lovecraft however, is that as you read more of him, you learn more about the Cthulhu mythos and get more and more immersed in it.

One more post guys! Let's keep this goin'! It may be up by tonight!

Soon my friends, soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Max,
    First of all I was entertained by you saying your a good Jew, which obviously you are *cough* not *cough*. I am wondering out of all the cool places Lovecraft could have chosen to retrieve the Necronomicon, why was it a university in Rhode Island? Who goes to Rhode Island? Does he explain why in the book. This is bugging me now, why couldn't he have chosen some place cooler than Rhode Island.

