Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Pissed Mist

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back, for the fourth time. It is time to read The Mist, a novella by Stephen King. Though at first thought, you'd probably say, "Max, what the hell, you're reading a novella? Loser!", think again! Since The Mist is by Stephen King, it is considered a novella, but still weighs in at around 250 pages. Yeah... totally a novella Stephen.

200 page book, 3 three hour movies. Yeah, that makes sense
Anyway, I haven't actually picked up the book yet (Probably going to start as soon as I finish this AP euro essay and write this post... so at like 3:00 AM), but I've actually seen the movie made by Frank Darabont based on the Novel(la). First off, I'll preface by saying that I am a major Stephen King fan (It is in my humble opinion that The Dark Tower series are the greatest books ever). In addition, I really enjoyed the movie, so much so that I thought it would be fun to actually read the book to find out exactly how accurate the movie is, and whether it fits the mold of always being worse than the book (Cough, The Hobbit, Cough).
Essentially, the plot of the story is that a mysterious gate to another world is opened up in a small town, and a gang on survivors hole up in a market to try and find safety from the monsters roaming outside. A gaggle of characters are introduced and many of them die from varying circumstances. It is kind of a classic horror movie formula (lots of characters, pick them off one by one), but with King's twist on things, they are not at all cliches, and most of the characters are highly intriguing, instead of the same old paradigm that most horror movies fit into.
I want to finish two books in three days! And people in hell want Ice Water...

Since this project ends on Friday, I really have a lot of reading to do. Ideally, I'd have five books done by that point (right now I have three done), so getting there is going to be an uphill battle. I'll definitely have The Mist done by that point, but whether I read another is still up in the air. Either way, keep checking back for the last posts!

Until next time!

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